Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
If you have questions about free tuition, please click here for more information about the new Ontario Student Grant.
BEFORE you apply for OSAP make sure that you have:
Your social insurance number (SIN) and your parents' or guardian's income tax notice of assessment. You will need this when entering their income information on the application.
1. Go to the OSAP website to begin your online application.
IMPORTANT - Put your OSAP password into your phone as well as your OAN (OSAP Access Number). You will get your OAN once you register on the OSAP website.
2. PRINT off ALL supporting documentation including Signature Pages and Master Student Financial Help Agreement (MSFAA).
3. Your OSAP application is not complete until you submit your MSFAA online.
Submit your signature pages and any other documentation online too!
4. MONITOR the status of your OSAP application regularly by checking into your OSAP account online
OSAP will send you messages through your OSAP account - don't miss those messages!
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about OSAP.
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