Bayshore Community Development
Bayshore Park Community Garden
Bayshore Park Community Garden is one of the most diverse urban gardens in the city. Built in 2012, it is made up of 31 garden beds which residents can rent on a seasonal basis. Participants pay a small fee and are responsible for maintaining their gardens. Try your hand at growing vegetables, fruits, and flowers for you and your family to enjoy. For more information on how to secure a garden bed, or be added to the wait list, contact bayshorecommunitygarden@gmail.com
Bayshore Park Community Outdoor Oven
Outdoor ovens are gaining in popularity as they help build community by bringing families, friends and neighbours together. The only Community Outdoor Oven in Ottawa is located right in Bayshore Park. When oven temperature is highest, pizzas and flat breads are baked with live-fire. As temperature lowers, breads and casseroles are baked in the retained heat. Vegetables, fruits and herbs can also cook, roast and dry slowly, as the oven fires down. For more information on the regular community bakes organized by the oven team, or to book it for special events, as well as to learn about the steps needed to join the team by becoming an oven operator, visit the Facebook page or email bayshorecommunityoven@gmail.com.
Other Initiatives
PQCHC also helps strengthen and build community capacity in the Bayshore neighbourhood by supporting community initiatives such as the Outdoor Oven, Community Gardens, Belonging in Bayshore, Social Gathering, Community Bakes, special events etc.
For more information about neighbourhood initiatives or to get involved call 613.820.4922 ext 3590.
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